June 2023: Nightmare in Columbus.

When I die I don´t want no part of heaven
I wouldn.t do heaven´s work well
I hope the devil comes and takes me to stand
on the fiery furnaces of hell

Hello, visitor.

Welcome to the Thessalian scrolls. Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.

This is a place to share information about the never-ending war of the Kindred. If you have reached this place by chance, please find out what this is all about here. If you came willingly, take a sit and allow me to tell you a story of the eternal struggle. I hope this collection of deeds can entertain you, and maybe you can extract some interesting conclusions among all these scattered scraps.

This was originally (and still is) the report for June 2023. Unfortunately, I was culmsy enough to mess it up while writing the report for July, and some paragraphs were lost forever. Fortunately, the main part of the data published remains intact, and what is lost is my far from brilliant thoughts about the month in general.

Please excuse the mess, and enjoy the rest.


These were the scenarios of the eternal struggle in June:

1 event in Vienna (Austria), showing up for the first time, with 17 participants. Clap!!!

I recorded 5 tournaments in Brazil, in Juiz de Fora (30), Fortaleza (20 and 19), Sao Paulo (14) and Campinha Grande (10).

25 Methuselahs struggled in Santiago, in Chile.

I hope I can correctly write the names of the cities of Finland were events were held: Joensuu (13) and Hämeenlinna (also 13) 

France shows three tournaments, two of them in Vitrolles (39 and 25), and another one in Paris (15). Praise the french community!

1 tournament was held in Hungary, with 15 methuselahs in Szeged.

Italy hosted two editions of their tour, in Verona (22) and Massa (20).

I was very happy to count the first tournament in Belgrade (Serbia), with 15 methuselahs. I am so happy to see new cities on the list!

4 Events were held in Spain, including the Open de Andalucia, in Cordoba, with... 66 players! And also Elche (24), Palma de Mallorca (10) and Barcelona (9).

26 Players joined in Utretch (The Netherlands) for a brilliant rumble.

And the most powerful and inspiring reunion this month happened in Columbus, Ohio, where a bunch of USA players have developed 13 encounters with 364 participations, in the Week of Nightmares. Tournaments ranging from 20 to 42 participants, with a variety of brilliant decks and a good number of reports and information shared. Pure VTES.

The Scioto river witnessed what will probably be the strangest week this year.


As usual, I will name the winners, so that we praise their achievement. Please note  this list is not a ranking, as I am writing here only the winners. For a more precise and balanced rating of players, I think the VEKN ranking should be considered, as it counts the achievements of players on most the events they participate in, and spans a much wider period of time. 

The fact that stands out this month is that 5 players got to win more than one tournament. Being worthy of praise in every case, it was more or less expected to see some north american players achieving this, for they played a lot of tournaments all together. Even then, Karl Schaefer, Kelly Schultz and Erik Albeze should be names we all should remember. I also would like to highlight Jorge Delgado  winning two of the three french tournaments this month, and Jaddou Nasra also being able to grasp victory in two events, being one of them the Open de Andalucia, with 66 players, the most important single event this month.

This are not the first tournaments won by Jaddou this year. Soon, I will gather together a consolidated report for the first half of 2023, and we will see him as one of the most important players in this game at the moment. 


This month, 18 clans have achieved at least one tournament win. The stars have been the Harbinger of Skulls, winning 5 times with 109 participants, in Austria, Brazil, Chile, Spain and USA. 4 of them were counting on Emerald Legionnaries, and another one was a Capuchin-themed toolbox.

Baali based decks are also high on the list, being Cybele, Giotto Verducci or The Unnamed the leaders of this success.  

It is a surprise to see no Gangrel, and only one Ministry this month. This will add balance to the total account for the accumulated 2023 count. Quite interesting.

Let´s see the chart:

About Playstyle, this month there is an increase on the use of active strategies, When in May they had a 38% rate, instead the 32% of the previous month. This means a reduction in the use of reactive decks, that fall from 24% to 18%. Both mixed and control strategies remain the same as the previous month.

Let´s see a more detailed distribution:

Classification summary/Resumen de clasificación de mazos:

Bleed decks/Mazos de sangrado: 9 (178 players).
Political decks/Mazos políticos: 2 (74).
Bleed&vote/Politica y sangrado: 2 (55).

Total active decks/Total de mazos con estrategia activa: 13 (307).

Block decks/Mazos de bloqueo: 3 (58).
Block and bruise/Mazos de bloqueo y combate: 2 (93).
Total reactive decks/Total de mazos con estrategia reactiva: 5 (151).

Control bruise decks/Mazos de control (combate): 4 (95).

Toolbox: 12 (262).


Playstyle and classification give us an idea of the general strategies that are bein used to win. But along the months, we can see how several decks are repeating some structural virtues, and I think we can group them in archetypes. Let´s see the ones that were successful in June, sorted by number of players defeated.

June has been at last the month that shows a brilliant success for Emerald Harbringer decks, something that has been expected for some time now.

I would like to highlight the fact that, in this and other features, the celebration of the Week of Nightmares causes that the USA tournaments have this month an increased weight on the statistics, but it is not changing the consistency of the numbers compared with other months.

The most successful archetypes of this month are not direcgtly related with the counts in USA: one of the four Emerald Harbringers winning this month happened to beat all enemies in Columbus, but the other three achieved their victories in other cities in Brazil, Chile and Spain. The Enkidu bruiser winning in Cordoba, the two Tupdog decks, and one of the Banu Haqim, all won outside the USA. 

I also would like to talk about one archetype that is winning my heart (yes, this is strictly personal). With permission from italian players using it, I have called this the Nosferatu Dominalism Baritoni. This deck adds the dominate stealth and bleed ability, with animalism combat and tools  A version of this archetype  won the italian championship at the end of April, and now it is here again, winning in Italy once again. Love to see Nosferatu winnig, and I thank the italians to develop it, and also Miro, Italian National Coordinator, for sharing info with me!

Also, we should check the Tzimisce British Mansion deck which won one of the Columbus events, piloted by Darby Keeney. Using the British museum, one of the most popular cards in Fall of London, he got a victory mixing it with the living manses of the Tzimisce. I bet we all have tried to write something like that.


Card types: Last month, combat cards were the most used ones. But this was probably an exception, as usually are the master cards the ones that can be seen more often in the decks. This is quite normal, as every deck may use some master card support, regardless of the clan archetype or playstyle they choose.

Disciplines: This is one of my favorite features, and this month will add a lot of wins for some of them, as there have never be a month with more events this year. Let´s see:

Redirection: Redirection this month is much less popular than in May. I´ll check out the rating compared with the previous month, and of course we will need to consider the %, which allows us to make the comparation.

Redirection summary/Resumen del uso de redirecciones:

Decks able to redirect bleeds: 24 decks, 71% (-6%). 
Total players defeated by those decks: 508 decks, 62% (-12%).

Decks with no redirection capability: 10 decks, 29% (+6%).
Total players defeated by those decks: 307 decks, 38% (+12%).

About the use of Ashur tablets+multimaster decks: There is a slight increase this month, with 18% (+3%) of the decks using it, and able to defeat 19% (+5%) of the players. But these rates are still low if we compare them with the 25% of the first season (winter). 

Deck size: Decks keep growing thinner, with only 38% (-12%) of the decks completing 90 cards, 29% (+6%) having 80-89 cards, and 32% (+5%) adding less than 80 cards.

The average number of cards keeps falling to 81 (-3).

Deck size summary/Resumen de tamaño de los mazos:

90 cards in the deck/Mazos con 90 cartas: 13 (38%).
80-90 cards in the deck/Mazos conteniendo entre 80 y 90 cartas: 10 (29%).
Less than 80 cards in the deck/Mazos con menos de 80 cartas: 11 (32%).

Average crypt capacity is quite similar as in May, being at 6,35 (+0,02).  . The highest capacity monsters in the TWDs have changed quite a bit: we find many more high capacity decks being successful, and the weenies growing too. The success of mid-caps has been much lower, so it has been a month of extremes: either bi-caps or weenies are the ones that shined.

Average crypt capacity summary/Resumen de media de capacidad en la cripta:

Less than seven/Menos de siete: 19 decks winning over 461 players , 57% (-22%).
More than seven/Más de siete: 15 decks winning over 354 players, 43% (+22%).

Decks relying on big caps (9-11): 21 decks winning on 510 players: 63% (+16%)
Decks relying on mid-caps (7-8): 8 decks winning on 167 players: 20% (-27%)
Decks relying on weenies: 5 deck winning over 138 players: 17% (+11%).

That is all for this month. I hope you obtained some piece of useful information among all this chat.

A few weeks ago, I threw a challenge to the community, in the form of a contest, and I got to complete the resolution. 22 results were found by the winners (there was a draw in the winner), and I must admit they even found one that I had not seen. 

With a draw at the top, I chose to give all 4 prizes to the players that participated. All participants, check your emails!

Next report will be another special, as I will try to join together all the data from the second season (spring). I am sure there will be many interesting features in it. Keep watching!

Until then, I thank you for reading, and wish you all a nice wake with the evening´s freshness.



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